Quellek Entitilitus this is the story of Quellek Entitilitus and their exploits in the unexplored lands of Colostle. the Colostle is made of gigantic rooms that contain full ecosystems in them (mountain, oceans, jungles, …) interconnected by doors, stairs and cracks, with up to scale versions of structures and furnishments commonly expected in common sized castles (beams, braziers, columns disappearing in the clouds). is it an enormous/oversized castle? is it that the inhabitants shrunk? nobody knows. first, let’s take a look at Quellek. {{monster,frame Quellek Entitilitus an inhabitant of the Colostle name: Quellek Entitilitus : class: helmed : exploration score: ▣ ▣ □ □ □ : combat score: ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ : calling: : nature: J ♦ -> sly, strategic and always planning : look: : inventory: }} Day 0 Day 1